
During the COVID lockdown I decided to buy a lathe, and so I had to build a work bench to put it on.

It didn’t go according to plan.

These are my notes to self, straight from roam.

  • Dimmensional lumbar isn’t dimmensionally accurate (to it’s name)
  • Use less glue
  • Use washers on the fasteners to distribute the downwards force holding the frame members together more effectively
    • This would probably require using a nut + bolt and by extension, more work cutting and drilling
    • In many cases the head of the screw was below the surface of the top member, however the two members weren’t pulled together tightly.
      • A washer would fix this by preventing the fastener from going bellow the surface of the part and instead use that force to pull the two pieces together
  • Measure twice, for fucks sake
    • Some of the cuts weren’t as accurate as I would like them to be and thus fitment was poor
  • When using lap-joints with dimensional lumbar it’s important that the fitment is tight to avoid side-to-side play, however not overly light.
    • You should be able to slide the pieces together by hand, perhaps with a few light pounds.
    • If you need to use a mallet and several very hard hits, the fitment is too tight
      • This might cause your lumbar to split in half.